I have ruminated for too long on what to write on this blog, what language to employ, the tempo to strike, the issues, for there are many, to explore. So today, I have decided, I will start from where I am.
Paramount in my mind is the question I have been asked too many times, why are you making this journey?
Clearly what is obvious to me is no doubt blind to others. I will recount the genesis of the journey in posts to come. Why I am going by road to London across the vast sand seas of the Sahara? Through twelve countries in West Africa and Europe? Why I am leaving behind the weathered Lagos terrain and all its comforts, to feed the lust of my brains flesh with new wisdoms and behold one of the wonders of God’s great earth? Why do I want to lie under a dark blanket of sky sparkling with a thousand lights? To see with my own eyes the myriad shades of blue that abound in Morocco? To turban like a Touareg, eat with him, lie next to him, speak and be spoken to by him, partake of his experiences and share mine?
Photo: Dare Olatoye. L-R The Team: Elizabeth Titi Laoye-Documentary Film Maker, Afam Ugah-IT Consulatant, Kelechi Amadi-Obi- Photographer, Ebun Olatoye- Journalist, Newton Jibunoh- Captain, Joshua Adegbaju- Auto Mechanic.
There are as many answers as there are questions. To answer simply, I am driven by curiosity
and a restless spirit. My eye’s thirst for new sights and my heart for new visions. I am going because I am alive, and any thoughts for self and safety fade into nothingness against the passion that levitates my spirit when I think of this trip.
To prepare my self, I have read texts by historical and contemporary travelers; Michael Palin’s volley voyage(s) through the Sahara and beyond, Leo the African, the 16th century traveler who amassed great wealth at the age of 20 when he led his first voyage, Marco Polo, Mungo Park, Christopher Columbus….
The route we plan to cross is not uncharted. Nigeria- Benin- Togo- Ghana- Burkina Fasso- Mali- Senegal- Mauritania- Morocco- Spain- Germany- France- Belgium and the United Kingdom.
Many have traversed these planes before in search of wealth, wisdom and refuge. And many will continue to do so, on foot, by car, on camels. In spite of the number of voyagers, and the frequency of travel, I have encountered through books and in person, I have never met anyone whose life has been the same after making such a trip.
In my genesis post, I will speak of the objective of this expedition, to raise awareness on Africa’s most urgent environmental concern; desert encroachment and its effects on climate change.
But beyond global warming, travel is a fundamental tool for globalization. The tool which makes time and space collapse, and fills the vacuum of ignorance. Travel is the key that lends itself to the unlocking of minds and mysteries that man will not find sitting still, comfortable, safe. The greatest nations of the world today added nations to themselves through travels, explorations and conquests.
So my pockets may diminish because of this trip, but I would have dominated fear, and conquered the unknown and my mind will be full with memories and experiences that will enrich my existence on earth and inspire my offspring.
Unknown lands bid my footprints come and I have heeded.
We are with you on this one, following U all the way. Hope to be one of the peeps to meet u on arrival in London. Godspeed.
I envy you guys a lot.I wish I was out there too. I have always had the spirit of adventure right from my days as an undergraduate in Enugu. I have travelled from Qua falls in Calabar to Yankari in Bauchi,from Ife to Zaria, from Lagos to Ghana,I had constantly dreamt of driving round the world. Now I have a well paying job,2 SUVs but no time.
Please update us in details about the sights, sounds and smells of each town. A picture a day wont hurt.
I want to know what it feels like to be Me, My jeep and Desert.
Good luck all.
its Cold here!! where is your HOT news. looking for latest update but cannot see it.
hope you are all great. where are you, how's it goin'??
from your most enthusiastic supporter
Omobadan kini so? Something tells me I know who you are and that slit isn't much of a clue. Help me out here!
Uche thank you so much. A photo a day is a bit of a challenge as we only go online when we get to towns. But please keep stopping by and you can also visit our website: www.fadeafrica.org/greendesert for my articles on the trip and Kelechi's photos.
Thank you for your unwavering support Jonathan. xoxo
moinmoin....... how are u doing??? I must say u are a daring individual. U know when we talked about it I really didn't think u would go through with it. But u did and I'm proud of u. We'll continue to pray that you gusy get to the final destination safely cause this adventure, u'll have to tell gmy kids. Don't want them reading it from your best seller journals :-)
Be safe and God's speed.
Thanks Lanre. I will tell your kids the story by God's grace. Gbogbo was dagba a ma darugbo. Amin.
Hey Ebun,
To say its a trip of a lifetime is an understatement, enjoy it, embrace it, and no doubt you'll have something to tell your grandkids.
God bless, stay safe.
we should all be so lucky !!!
It should be possible to travel the world on nothing but curiosity , if marco polo, columbus, livingstone et al all those years ago didnt need a visa , its a sad state of affairs that we now all require visas to visit our "brothers" on Gods earth .
This situation i believe has greatly added to the dire state we find ourselves in, with regards to climate change desertification etc this earth my brother belongs to us all if we cant walk over it how can we care for what we cant share .
My hearth is filled with admiration for Chief Jibunoh and all of you on the team ,I wish you God speed back to the arms of your loved ones , with tales and images to enlighten our minds , its great to be able to talk about something else apart from our crappy government and the lack of power (phcn) .Power to the people ! one love !
Now you guys are approaching the desert, i urge you all to please be very, very careful. Approach the desert with respect and caution. I have had the experience of being in a tragic trip due to a combination of lack of awareness of the risk factor and excitement in being in an exoctic place. People tend to be careless/ reckless especially when there are cameras around. Nature is merciless, for every action there is a consequence.In my last trip to the Grand canyon, I was amazed at the number of fatalities despite obvious danger warnings. OThe major difference between Scott's tragic trip to theartic and Amusden's victory is in planning. Please STICK to your considered plans. Your prime objective is to return to your love ones safely. God be with you all.
Now you guys are approaching the desert, i urge you all to please be very, very careful. Approach the desert with respect and caution. I have had the experience of being in a tragic trip due to a combination of lack of awareness of the risk factor and excitement in being in an exoctic place. People tend to be careless/ reckless especially when there are cameras around. Nature is merciless, for every action there is a consequence.In my last trip to the Grand canyon, I was amazed at the number of fatalities despite obvious danger warnings. OThe major difference between Scott's tragic trip to theartic and Amusden's victory is in planning. Please STICK to your considered plans. Your prime objective is to return to your love ones safely. God be with you all.
Thanks Uche and Lagosstar for your kind comments. We have made it through the desert thank God and have crossed into Spain from Tanger, Morocco.
We still have about 4,000km to kill but we will be victorious.
Bonjour EBUN comment vas tu.
Tu écrit trés bien le francais. BRAVO
I am very happy for you and for all the team.
I think after this you gonna prepare the world tour until china, australia, and I will be with you.
Bonjour EBUN comment vas tu.
Tu écrit trés bien le francais. BRAVO
I am very happy for you and for all the team.
I think after this you gonna prepare the world tour until china, australia, and I will be with you.
Hugs and kisses
God speed to u all...feliz viaje...
U guys make us proud as Nigerians and keep our name on the good pages of humanity. Where in London would u be arriving and will there be some sort of reception for u? Pls keep us informed, travelling down to London from Aberdeen will be worth every inch of the way and every pence to be spent.
Oh wow!
Yinka thank you so much.
We plan to get to London on Friday and I believe a reception awaits us at the Nigerian High Commission.
Please send me an email at ebunolatoye@gmail.com and I will give you our contact details in London.
We will be in London till 20th April.
Thank you for your support.
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